
As Devin the Dude once said, “What, who, when, why”? Only some of those words apply here but I like that song and actually, the concept of pleading ignorance featured within the song is a good strategy for coping as a teacher (Humanities if you must know), but I digress…

So, what is this? Well, consider this a cathartic diary, a means for me to grapple with the chaotic shit-show that is education. It serves as a mechanism to make sense of the Kafkaesque nonsense of the system, to diminish the rage, the anxiety, and the disbelief. Perhaps, in doing so, it may extend my life and miraculously restore my hairline.

Why? Mental health is paramount, and if you can’t process the trauma of the teaching grind, you might just meet an untimely demise! Apologies for dropping that truth bomb. On a side note, I happen to be quite adept at teaching, but that’s inconsequential. Teaching, in itself, is fulfilling, but the education system? Stressful, toxic, and fucked! “Hands up who wants to be a teacher… no, keep them up while I count.” This is precisely why I’m writing this down – to process, unpack, and liberate myself from it.

Who? I don’t anticipate an audience for this, but if you stumble upon it, I hope there’s some resonance. Needless to say, all the opinions are my own and rooted in my personal experiences.

When? urgh, I dunno, when I come across an issue in education that pisses me off I guess? So every hour, lol!