False Martyrs and Fallacies

Confronting Toxic Mindsets and the Dismissal Epidemic

It’s a dilemma that’s as insidious as it is ubiquitous, as destructive as it is dismissive. It’s a dilemma born from the lips of our own colleagues, echoing within each department and reverberating through the corridors of our schools with the unsettling frequency of the Silent Hill radio static. This dilemma, my friends, is the casual dismissal of complex issues through language rife with logical fallacies.

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Formal vs Informal

Why Schools Need to Drop the Formal Facade

The over-formalisation of schools has led to a disconnection between students and teachers, stifling genuine relationships and hindering active engagement, giving birth to an apathy epidemic. As students are confronted with the facade of conformity—teachers adorned in business attire, reciting scripted lines, each lesson following the same predictable script as the last—the essence of education becomes obscured by a fog of formality Yet, amidst this barrage of corporate bullshit and rigid systems, lies a yearning for authenticity. There is an imperative to reduce the formality reminiscent of 1920s business conventions and instead promote a more informal approach. This shift fosters genuine connections and restores the social contract between students and teachers.

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Beyond “Branded” Praise

Rediscovering the Power of Genuine Acknowledgement

Shrouded in unnecessary complexity yet so evident in its simplicity: praise. Is it an essential element of student motivation and morale? Perhaps, but frequently overshadowed by convoluted systems prioritising branding over genuine acknowledgement. As a result, layers of complexity obscure what should be a straightforward gesture of appreciation. [Note to SLT: if you need more than a couple of lines on a slide, or god forbid, a fucking flow chart to explain your latest shit idea, it’s probably too complicated!]

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Assembly Apathy

The Monotonous Rituals of the Post Holder with Too Many Jobs!

In the endless procession of educational routines, there is one in particular that makes both students and teachers wish for assisted death: School assemblies. Indeed, these obligatory gatherings are lacklustre rituals, overseen by disengaged presenters with the delivery skills of a stale digestive and who are about as inspirational as week-old, roadkill. To them, assemblies are merely a task to check off their list. But this isn’t a rant about the mundane; it’s a desperate plea for change because honestly, as Frasier Crane once said: “I’d rather watch a loved one autopsied”.

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Branding vs. Substance

How Branding Eclipses Educational Integrity

The cry of ‘Just do it’ echoes from SLT as they fuel a frustrating trend, but are schools prioritising branding over substance? Schools, especially academies, are eager to establish a unique identity, often relying on shit slogans and bullshit-branded policies, and insisting on brand recognition. But news flash: brand recognition is earned, not imposed. And, beneath the surface lies a significant problem—a gap between branding efforts and the actual educational value they claim to offer.

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“Research shows…”

ie. I heard it on a podcast once

Within leadership-led seminars for teachers, a familiar refrain echoes: “Research shows…” But behind this authoritative phrase lies a glaring truth – an obsession with educational research often blinds senior leaders to the broader horizons of knowledge. Instead of embracing a wealth of diverse insights, they find solace in the comforting embrace of their own echo chambers, where education-derived research reigns supreme. But this myopic approach comes at a cost – a cost paid by students, educators, and the future of education itself… and honestly, IT’S SOOOOOO DULL!

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Pen to Politeness

Basics in Decline

Step into a modern-day classroom and you might be forgiven for thinking you’ve wandered onto the set of a Kafkaesque sitcom: students, chauffeured to school like VIPs, lounging in their seats with an air of entitlement. But the laughter fades when you realise the punchline—their desks are barren, devoid of the most basic tools for learning. Pens? Pencils? F**k that! Welcome to the paradox of education in the 21st century, where chauffeur-driven arrivals collide with a distinct absence of independence and initiative. It’s a scene that’s both farcical and foreboding, underscoring a troubling trend in our schools.

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Parents can be dick-trees

Navigate the Minefield of Parental Behavior

In the world of education, teachers find themselves not only attempting to mould young minds but also facing growing pressure to participate in discussions about behaviour with parents. Regrettably, a growing number of parents are finding it challenging to demonstrate appropriate standards of behaviour themselves — to the point, they are grade-a dicks and it is often evident that the apple hasn’t fallen too far from the proverbial dick-tree! Let’s explore the complexities and implications of this relationship between educators and parents, without reaching for the axe or box of matches.

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Chronic Email

Navigating the Sea of bullshit communication

The infamous flood of emails – a digital deluge that rivals a monsoon in rainy season but Noah can’t save you from this cataclysm. Imagine: you’re drowning in a sea of notifications, desperately trying to stay afloat amidst the relentless tide of bullshit email communication. The struggle is real, and the irony is undeniable. Let’s plunge into the depths of this email abyss and explore the multifaceted dilemma that engulfs education.

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Death by quote

Picture the scene: a dimly lit meeting room, the low hum of a projector, no air con, shit coffee from a polystyrene cup and the unmistakable stench of boredom lingering in the air. As the PowerPoint/Google slides blink into life, so do the cliché quotes that adorn each one, like shit on the underside of a public toilet seat. The scene is all too familiar in the world of education, where leadership seem to have a fondness for drowning their presentations in a sea of quotes. But are these verbal gems contributing to intellectual enlightenment, or are they merely veils of pseudo-intelligence? Spoiler alert…it’s the latter!

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